Saturday, July 26, 2008

Superweek Day #15 "There will be blood"

It keeps getting worse.

1st off, Angela suffered a rough fall early on in her race. She managed to get to the wheel pit, take her free lap and jump back in. Unfortunately a break of 7 had gone in the same lap (all 7 ladies in the top 10 overall). That attack would surely stay away. Angela is resting well but will be out the remainder of the season with a shoulder injury.

Due to Angela’s injury I was unable to race today. After the carnage that occurred in yesterday’s Cat 3 race I had been debating weather or not to retire from the series early and return to Texas in one piece. The decision was made for me today.

I received reports from friends in Milwaukee that today’s race (Cat 3) drew the capacity 150+racers! There was a 20-racer wreck in the 2nd lap and another pile-up half way through the race. I didn’t miss anything today…

1 comment:

Chris Sauer said...

Jason and Angela, great connecting with you again this year. Bummed about Angela's injury; I hope you work through it and come back more determined then ever.

At Downer's, rode over a fellow's wheel in the second lap crash and that kind of freaked a lot of us out. I've never seen cat 3 racing like this before; kind of like cat 5's with bigger engines.

You two take care and see you at Downer's?
